Elijah J McCoy - traduction vers français
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Elijah J McCoy - traduction vers français

Elijah J. McCoy; EJ McCoy; Lubricator cup
  • McCoy historical marker, Ypsilanti
  • First page of US patent 129,843 for Improvement in Lubricators for Steam-Engines

Elijah J. McCoy      
Elijah J. McCoy (1843-1929), American inventor who is acclaimed for his inventions (including the folding ironing board and the automatic sprinkler)
McCoy, family name; Elijah J. McCoy (1843-1929), American inventor who is acclaimed for his inventions (including the folding ironing board and the automatic sprinkler)
McCoy, Elijah J. McCoy (1843-1929), American inventor who is acclaimed for his inventions (including the folding ironing board and the automatic sprinkler)


¦ noun (in phr. the real McCoy) informal the real thing; the genuine article.
C19: origin uncertain: perh. from the real Mackay, an advertising slogan used by the whisky distillers G. Mackay and Co.; the form McCoy may come from the name of the American inventor Elijah McCoy.


Elijah McCoy

Elijah J. McCoy (May 2, 1844  – October 10, 1929) was a Canadian-American engineer of African-American descent who invented lubrication systems for steam engines. Born free on the Ontario shore of Lake Erie to parents who fled enslavement in Kentucky, he traveled to the United States as a young child when his family returned in 1847, becoming a U.S. resident and citizen. His inventions and accomplishments were honored in 2012 when the United States Patent and Trademark Office named its first regional office, in Detroit, Michigan, the "Elijah J. McCoy Midwest Regional Patent Office".